Monday, August 8, 2011

Shut the front door, just like that summer is gone..Not cool.

Well heller there :) So basically it has been forever!!!! An unbelievable amount has happened. Rather than bore you with every detail of my amazing summer I shall just highlight the important stuff(: Such as van jumping. Twas legandary. Late night movie parties. Becoming un-single(:(: <-It ain't so bad. Getting slimed at Vbs. Valleyfair. Star gazing. Each and everyday the past 2 months has been breathtakingly amazing(:

God has really opened my eyes. He had me grow up a bit this summer. I thought I was all that and a bag of chips when it came to my spiritual walk. It took falling on my face to know I wasn't. I put my trust in people and not Him. And when I was let down by the people I thought the world of, He was there with outstretched arms. I will never understand that kind of unconditional love. Cause I certainly did not deserve it. But that is the beauty of being a Christian and having God as a Father. He always has my back no matter what stupid things I do. That is the most comforting thing in all the world. And it is the only thing that gets me through. He has showed me that my ability to trust people so easily is not a bad thing but it is a thing that opens me up for a lot of hurt. I will never give up on people and will always see the best in them. He's showed me that's not a bad thing, not something to be sorry about. But it is very rarely rewarding. People are ruthless and selfish and take advantage of others. We live in a world made up of manipulators. It sucks but that's life, and its not going to change me. If anything it gives me more of a desire to be who I am.

I chose everyday to think positively. That's who I am. Don't like it? Well than good for you, everybody is entitled to think however they want(:

Hey my sister is married(: Now I have two brothers in the law(: YAYAYAYAYA!! It was an amazing wedding. So pretty and a lotta people I love were there(: It was perrrrrfect<3

I shall leave you with this: Sometimes God pushes us to our limits because He has greater faith in us than we have in ourselves. I love you and am praying for you(:

Peace out.