Thursday, April 12, 2012

No matter what love throws at you, you have to believe in it.

Life has been some pretty major craziness lately. Daddy has his biopsy and bone marrow test tomorrow. I am trusting God but I am also a wee bit scared cause my daddy is my hero and its hard seeing him not at his full superhero strength. I know it will all work out and God has a master plan for my daddy but that doesn't ease my worry and concern. Its not a lack of faith its my impatient nature, I just wanna know my daddy is gonna be okay and that his test results prove him to be back in remission instead of out of it. But that's in Gods hands and I will try my best to let that suffice. I am also still at the Mezz, and got me a little promotion type dealio in the works, pretty bomb. I am still happy in the love department. I really have landed a good one here folks. Like honestly, never felt this happy and cherished and special. What do they call that??...Oh that's right, love. I got bit bad by that love bug character, and I hate bugs, but I am not so much minding this bug bite(; well that's enough mushy gushiness for now. In other news I am on the job hunt for a job within my career path of choice, aka PR. So that's nifty and super fun. Its exhausting looking though. But I did get a super cool fancy pants suit for all my job interviews. So basically I am like business barbie now. Which is a dream come true(; I am almost gonna be an aunt again, little baby Tara will be here in August, can't wait. I miss Ashley, shes in California and stuff and that's far away and that makes me sad. But I will see her when Ese pops our baby Tara #2 so that makes me happy(: Hmmmm can't really think of anything else to catch you up on, so I love you but most of God loves you, that's all folks!

May peace be with you, and also the force.