Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Curse you insomnia, you are a wicked bastard.

Its been a year since I have even thought about writing in my blog. I am embarrassed to admit that. I let so much of my life pass me by. I spent so much time with the wrong people and doing the wrong things. It is so amazing the clarity God gives you after the people who were clouding your judgement are out of your life. I am a little lost right now, but I am still alive. I am still here making a difference and influencing people in ways that I don't even know about. I am trying to be better about how I spend my days and who I spend my time with. I cannot wait until I feel complete again. Or until my heart feels like it beats on its own again, instead of me having to remind it to beat. Or until my laugh feels real again, I had a real genuine laugh the other day at work and I wanted to freeze that moment and never let it go cause I cannot remember the last time I laughed so uncontrollably for no reason. I used to have a joy that would just exude from me, but being in the toxic relationship that i was i lost myself a bit. I was not able to be my true self for so long that the version of myself that i became has become impossible to shake. I feel like i am a shadow of who i was, a couple years back i was in such a good spot. But I have also grown up a lot and of course with that maturity has been a lot of change. I am who I should be, who God wants me to be at this point in my life, but holy cow has it not be fun getting there. I have gotten my heart put in a blender and yet I still am capable of loving. Talk about big heart huh? Somedays I feel like its too big, like I care too much. But then I think, what if I didm't care at all? That would be so much worse than caring too much. I have a lot of hurt in my past, i am just working very hard on my self to use it as a lesson and not let it lessen me. I have shed a lot of tears, dealt with many sleepless nights, made some absolutely terrible choices, and still I am standing. Wanna know my secret? God. Prayer. Family. And my amazing friends. God has blessed me with an insanely awesome support system, an amazing family and the best friends. I would literally not be here if it were not for them. I also love my job, most days. God definitely provided that for me. He has given me so much and  I dunno how I got so lucky (: Sorry this was kinda all over the place, its like 4 in the morning and also my brain is mush lately. I AM GOING TO BED CAUSE IT IS INHUMAN TO BE AWAKE RIGHT NOW. Night and tootles.