Monday, September 9, 2013

when you know, you know.

I am thoroughly annoyed by people lately. Not all people really, mostly just fake people. People that walk around pretending to be people they aren't, and i hate feeling like the only one who sees said people for who they really truly are. Take for instance, people that call themselves christians and then do everything possible that goes against everything that being a christian stands for. I know i am not perfect and in no way shape or form claim to be, but i also know right and wrong and try my very best to remain set apart and keep my testimony. I fail a lot but i don't live in my mistakes and pretend that i am not making them. You make a mistake and then you move forward from it, thats the beauty of forgiveness. God does not care how big or small your sin is, its all the same in His eyes and He forgives all of it, no matter what. But i tell you, those hypocrites out there really make me wanna shake babies (which i would never do but it just goes to show my level of frustration) and i am starting to get so fed up i may just lose my cool.

I am in love with my job. Its cray how awesome it is to work with all guys. Well its good and bad lol one of my coworkers told me today that i have a black girls physique. Which is funny, cause i do not but my work pants are apparenty showing otherwise. Ha too funny, and slightly uncomfortable, but flattering none the less. I am getting the hang of things, its just so much info at once. But i am so much happier than i was serving.

Theres this boy and he kinda sorta well mostly has stolen my heart, i cannot even describe it. This is the first time in my life that i have felt this kind of happy. Its so genuine, its unnerving. But i am loving it. Every second i get to spend with him is sheer perfection. I count myself lucky, very lucky. I knew all the heartache and failed attempts at love that i have experienced in my life would one day be worth it, and i really feel like they all lead me to him. To this feeling. This amazing never want it to end feeling. Even if i were never to see him again (God forbid) I would be able to live on, just knowing that for a brief time he showed me what it was like to be cherished, to laugh for no reason, to be thought of, to be a priority. That is all i have ever wanted, and i have had a taste of what it is like and i never wanna settle for less than that again. But obviously imma see him again, hopefully someday for every day for the rest of my life. Ya that's right, i am so very ready for the settling down phase of my life. Obviously first i wanna finish school, but getting serious with this guy is definitely a distraction from that lol ugh i could talk about him for days, but alas i will not.

Its late, and my melatonin is kicking in. Sleepy time she comes<3

nighty night blueberries.