Tuesday, December 21, 2010


So basically I am sick, like a dog. I sound like Barry White when I wake up in the morning. HOT. Seriously I have sneezed so many times in the past two days, its sad cause blond's are only given so many brain cells..Uh oh, I may be in trouble :P I just watched High School Musical 2..For some reason Zac makes me feel better and the terrible acting of everyone else makes me smile. I have sooooooo much Christmas shopping left to do :( poop. I wanna die my hair brown...But I prolly won't. I actually want like a deep almost black/brown with like a purple hue to it. Maybe after graduation when my hair is wicked long. I have a job interview at Icing on Thursday. They called me after I got my ears pierced and they offered me a job because they said I had a great personality and they want me as part of their team...Love life♥

I honestly can't believe Christmas is in 4 days. I also can't believe first semester is over. I have one semester left and then I am done for life. YAY.  It has been a fast 2 years for reals. I have liked Inver. I mean its lame and small but I met some cool people who aren't lame or small. Dude my lips are so chapped, I hate congestion. I have to work today and that is gonna be so much fun with my sickliness.

There are some people in this world that I just do not care for. Kristen Stewart for one. But duh who does like her, she's a hoe fo sho. Some people lately have just been pissing me off. I don't understand how things can change so fast. Like one second I'm happy and smiling and then the next I'm dazed and confused and they are light-years away from me. It happens though? God's way of weeding people out of your life.

I adore my family. We are like a giant ball of fun. I am glad Alex goes on break tomo and we can finally start hanging out and doing sister dates. We haven't had a sister day in weeks. I love sister dates♥Ashley can't come home for Christmas and that sucks balls. Its not gonna feel like Christmas without her angelic face. I am terribly excited for Christmas tho. Zach and Ese are coming up. I still have to wrap presents..Poop. So much to do so little time. Grrrr.

Well my dearlings whom I deeply adore, I must bid you adieu for the day. Fare thee well.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Its rather blustery out there..

So basically its like 5 days till Christmas...So crazy :):) I cannot wait. I still have loads of shopping left to do.. Whoops. I am done with school now. Thank you sweet baby Jesus. I had a blast this semester though. I will miss my acting class a lot and that is about the only class I will miss lol Finals went well. Dude I totally got a 28, out of 100 mind you, on my Nat Diz paper. My prof accused me of plagiarism which I most definitely did not do, so needless to say I was pissed the frick off. But hey, its just one paper and it didn't affect my grade all that much so its whatever.

Its snowing like a banshee out. Seriously we have gotten so much snow in the past two weeks it has been ridiculous. I love it though. Aside from dealing with all of the absurd people who have no idea how to drive in snow. I am sorry but if you live in MN you should be used to driving in this weather!

This is wayyyy short but I am sick and watching a movie so peace out girl scouts...Have a happy Christmas!
