Monday, December 20, 2010

Its rather blustery out there..

So basically its like 5 days till Christmas...So crazy :):) I cannot wait. I still have loads of shopping left to do.. Whoops. I am done with school now. Thank you sweet baby Jesus. I had a blast this semester though. I will miss my acting class a lot and that is about the only class I will miss lol Finals went well. Dude I totally got a 28, out of 100 mind you, on my Nat Diz paper. My prof accused me of plagiarism which I most definitely did not do, so needless to say I was pissed the frick off. But hey, its just one paper and it didn't affect my grade all that much so its whatever.

Its snowing like a banshee out. Seriously we have gotten so much snow in the past two weeks it has been ridiculous. I love it though. Aside from dealing with all of the absurd people who have no idea how to drive in snow. I am sorry but if you live in MN you should be used to driving in this weather!

This is wayyyy short but I am sick and watching a movie so peace out girl scouts...Have a happy Christmas!


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