Sunday, December 15, 2013

so, why don't we go somewhere only we know.

the dog days are over folks. life is, to say the least, right where it should be. the stars are aligning and for once there actually seems to be some stability. which is neat. i have been through a (excuse my french) rather shitty year. i made a lot of poor decisions that led me to the year i had, but still its been no picnic. however i am now much more resilient and i am more myself than i have ever been.

i love how God does that. he breaks us down to nothing and then reshapes us. i am truly clay in His hands and i am thoroughly enjoying who He is molding me into.

on a side note let me hollar at you for a sec. frozen is a phenomenal movie that everyone needs to see it. i wanna watch it everyday for the rest of my life.

work is going stellar. i love it most days, when my dragon lady boss isn't in one of her moods that is. and i got my car fixed so yay. still loving living on my own, its a crazy radical journey but for the most part its the tits.

lifes just super good. i have every one i could possibly need, and i finally have rid myself of all of the toxic people that were just holding me back. and the greatest part of my life is that i have a super awesome God who has my back a million percent. I AM IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!!!!!!!

Praying for you, Merry Christmas<3

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