Sunday, October 17, 2010

Thanks Doctor Phyllis :)

Oh you know just eating a brown sugar and cinnamon pop-tart after writing some amazing additions to our scene for acting. Dude my photography teacher grades like a dick. He is too hyper-critical, its like hey douche this is an online course its not like I can express to you what I am trying to portray what I am trying to capture and it is not like you are able to interpret my tone and the connotation when I do express it. See what I mean?? So frustrating. I have said this before but this time I really mean it, I will not be taking another online course. TOO HARD. Member that one time when I started college and did all my classes online? Yeah I basically wanted to die everyday. There is just something about human interaction that I just cherish too much, I mean there are some characters at Inver that I would rather not interact with but I take them over being hans solo.

The past couple days have been soooooo amazing. I got to see my aunt and uncle on Friday and have some yummy Famous Dizzle's with them. Yesssssssssssss I went to IHOP with my lovely mama and my Emily and Alex. People stared it was awesome. Than we went shopping :):) I love me some shopping. Jessie had a fabulous bday party where we danced it up like nobody's business. EmEm, Al, and I watched Tuck Everlasting, I totally forgot how sad that was. I do not like crying. I do it often though, this morning at church they showed a video for operation Christmas child and guess who cried... THIS GUY :) Seriously I am such an emotional person. Its just who I am.

Ugh I have to work till 10:30 tomorrow and then I have an epically huge Exam in Nat D's to take the next day. Kill me. I hate school, correction, I hate homework. School is pretty tight. I like most of the people (red shorts creeps me out lol) and my prof's are all pretty legit. One semester left and then a tiny month is the summer and the school ship is sailing away. Yesssssssssss I so cannot wait. And then I can just work and work until I got me some money to move to San Diego, California baby. I am so ready for that part of my life to start.

It was kinda pooey outside today, cold and rainy. I like rain tho, and sweatshirts :) So it wasn't totally awful! Plus it was Sunday, my favorite day of the week :) I always love Sundays!!!!

If you are not leading your heart, someone or something else will♥

Night bizzles :):)

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