Friday, January 28, 2011

Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy :)

My dreams have been wicked awful lately. I wake up and I'm like what the heck was that all about. But it's cool cuz they are just dreams, my reality is way better :) God has been really awesome. I mean He is always awesome but lately He has just been exceptionally awesome. I adore where my life is and where it is heading. I have been looking at a lot of schools and it's very exciting. I am gonna visit some schools in Cali when I go out there for spring break.. Woo who :)

In YG we have been watching a video series about finding your purpose in life. It is so good. We have been exploring the other religions and that has just confirmed that my God, the creator and He who holds my heart is the only way; He's the truth and the life. This has gotten me very excited for dare 2 share in march. YG has been so instrumental is helping me grow in my faith, I have had so many opportunities to share my faith and that has in turned strengthened my faith. I truly know what I believe and I know what I believe to be the truth and I know it to be the only truth. That is so encouraging. I just feel so blessed and empowered to just let everyone know about my Jesus. It has been on my heart lately. I know I haven't been doing enough to tell others about Him. I have been concerned with fitting in instead of standing out and having people think I'm a freak. Think what you want, God is my life and no longer will that be something I remain quiet about.

School is actually pretty wicked awesome. I have gotten way active in stuff this semester. Mostly cuz its my last semester and wanna get the most outta it :) But I am on student senate and in Glee Club. Also I am joining choir. I am very excited to be a part of it. God is gonna use me I just know it. Sometimes I wonder why He takes me down the roads He does but in the end it is so very clear :) Life is really sticky sometimes and believe I just want to collapse and cry and let it all come down one me. But the nice thing about having the relationship with God that I do is that He takes that all away, as soon as I ask Him to. Those feelings are human and natural and He is the only one who can take them away and replace them with joy. That gives me such peace to know that. Cuz seriously some days I want to curl in a ball and cry, and sometimes I do. But God is there for me and knowing that makes everything better and it makes all the bad stuff seem way insignificant. I mean really it is, in the bigger picture it means absolutely nothing so why focus on it.

My life has changed so much in the past year. It was flipped upside and than built upside right by my gracious Savior and amazing family and friends. People have always been a passion of mine and it is awesome having people that have your back 175% anytime you need them. Because when you are a people person you tend to be the one who encourages and does all the talking and consoling, so it is nice to have people in my life who can do the same for me when I need it. God has been weeding out the false ones for the past year. And that has been rough because that is people I thought loved me through thick and thin but it turns out they were those fare-weather type friends. Who needs those? I certainly don't. People taking advantage of my niceness is not going to go over well. My philosophy is be the type of friends to others that you want others to be to you.

Deep stuff guys. I love you. Remember God has such a splendiferous purpose for your life, just trust Him...Take His hand and embark on all the gloriousness He has set out for you; you and only you can fulfill the purpose He has for you. You are the only one with that unique tailor made purpose. Own it :)

.Tootles y'all.

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