Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Auntie Tara :)

So school has started and I kinda sorta love it. I am taking me some voice lessons! Getting my diva on ;) I joined student senate and was asked to audition for the Inver Hills production of The Servant of Two Masters. I was so flattered to be asked but I just don't have the time to devote to practice. Which totally blows cause I mean as a career I want to be an actress, but right now I gotta focus on graduating and getting my degree on. God has been smiling down on me a lot lately. My life is so so so so blessed. I totally do not deserve any of it. I have decided to get my BA. Not from Inver but from a university :)

I am so excited about the future I could pee. Seriously loving my life. My sister is preggers, with a baby. I AM SO EXCITED. See what I mean about God smiling down on  my life?? Like seriously. God is so big, never underestimate what he is capable of doing. Today at youth group I saw Him big time. I truly adore being a leader at church. Seeing the kids grow and hearing them talk about their faith honestly makes my heart so overflowed with joy. True, pure, everlasting joy; that only God can allow you to feel through His Spirit.

It is amazing to look back and see where my life used to be and then compare that to where I am now. I am baffled at the work God has done in me. My life is at a place that I never thought I would be. I am completely content with everything. He is making magic happen in my life. I cannot wait to see where He will take me in 2011 and I am so ready.

Well I gotta skedaddle, I love you.
Tootles my lovelies!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you!! and for Ese of course!! Glad to see God is blessing you! We have felt the same way!! <3 ya
