Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Having the time of my life(:

So this summer not only will I be a college graduate...I will also be an auntie and a sister-in-law.  God is so good and so gracious.  I am undeserving and at a loss for why He keeps blessing me so.

People are judgmental and love to pick apart your life and tell you everything ugly about it.  Here is the deal folks. I could give a flying leap what you think about me or my life.  The way I live is up to God, not you. He is my standard, not you. I used to let people views of me impact MY view of me, not anymore.  I have come to realize the view I want of myself is the view God has of me.  I am the only Tara Cassandra Yauch. The only me. I can do things that God has given ONLY ME the ability to do. I can never please man, and I do not want to. I want to bring glory to my Abba Father and to Him alone.

The world has been putting a lot of pressureS on me lately. 'Uh Tara, you're like 20..Shouldn't you be in a relationship and contemplating marriage and being a wife!?' Ex-squeeze me world, but uh if God wanted me in a relationship and contemplating marriage I WOULD BE. I very kindly tell them all to piss off(: Sometimes I feel like I NEED to be in one, a relationship, but the truth is..I really don't want to be. I have so much growing to do as a single gal. I wouldn't be becoming the person I am now if I was concerning myself with the menfolk. I am just seriously focusing so much on God and school, its like what boys? Never heard of em(: Call me whatever you want, hit me with whatever stereotype you want but I do not wanna just date around and have a bunch of meaningless flings. Sure maybe in high school I played that game, but looking back was it fulfilling and beneficial? Not one bit. It did provide mucho tears tho. Yay(: lol Nah but for realz I am just not gonna fall privy to anyone telling me what is acceptable for me to do. I don't care whats acceptable in anyone else eyes but my Lord and Saviors.

Stick that in your juice box and suck it.

So I said pressureS, as in plural. I am feeling bombarded. And not necessarily in a bad way. I mean its bad cause its all like nasty sin crap, but it is good because it is strengthening my faith and it is making me more coherently aware of the still small voice inside me. But that voice is becoming not so still and small. Its talking at a decibel that one would associate with you know yelling(: Its not scary. Its beautiful. Its comforting. Its my Jesus. He said I would be forever in His hand, protected and never neglected. I am so aware of that now(: He is like my blankie [blankie if you are reading this (which is impossible for you are indeed a piece of cloth without eyes, but nevertheless) you are still my blankie Jesus is just more of like you know an eternal blankie(:] Dude I think I am getting weirder, I just spoke to my blankie. Oh well, that's what I am here for...Supplying the daily dose of the werdie, you are welcome(:

Guys I am deciding on schools and it is like wicked hard. First off I leave for California in a well ONE DAY(: And second off, I have soooooooooooooooooooooooo very much a plethora of homework to accomplish over the break of spring. Poop. I hate school. Remind me again why I am signing on to do two more years?? Oh riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight so I can make denero and not be stuck working at Kwik Trip my whole life, not that that is not a totally legit job, it is just not for me(: I want to be an actress not pump gas for them(: Yay for being an actress!!

So as you can see it is late at night and I am at my prime crazy hour so to prevent further awkward remarks from yours truly I shall bid you adieu(: But I shall leave you with this, being a Christ follower is a never ending roller coaster rid of pure bliss. Yes sometimes it is sticky, but every sticky situation has an upside(: And everyone of your faces should wear a smile, cause life is too big a gift to ever be sad about it(:

Live long and prosper(:


  1. There are many comments I could make about this, but the one that is the most important: You admitted your middle name in public!! I never thought I'd see the day! Just like three months ago, you refused to tell me and I had to ask Alex ;)
    Love you mucho girlie. Have an amazing trip!!

  2. And you admitted you have a blankie in public. :) (Psst: btw, I do too! All that's left of it is a little square, but I still snuggle it when I'm sad. Don't tell anyone.)
