Friday, May 20, 2011

Wipe your tears, you are better than this♥

I, Tara Cassandra Yauch, am now a college graduate. That is right, I am an adult. I cannot wait to see what amazingness God has in store for me now. All's I know is I need to get me a job(: A big girl job.

So its been a while. I have been like busier than all get out finishing up school and you know, living life. Been thinking a lot lately. I have found that I get myself into trouble a lot in the heart department. It is so easy to blame the other person but the truth is that I care toooooo much right off the bat and thus the heartache ensues. I see in people what they don't even see in themselves. I believe people won't hurt me and let me down and people just LOVE to prove me wrong. It makes me not want to be out there, putting my heart on the line. But I give people my heart..Its what I do. I love people, genuinely I do. I find it super easy to love someone. I am not reserved or timid when it comes to being open to it. That backfires. A lot. But I am not gonna change that part of me. I know that life isn't perfect and things will not always go my way...But I have faith that someday its gonna pay off(: God knows what He's doing.

My preggers sis is gonna have my niece like early next week. I SO CANNOT WAIT TO MEET HER(: I love babies, and this one will be related to me. I love her already!

Ashley's wedding is in 3 months...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS(: And I turn 21 in 2 months...Holy poop on rice. That is insane. 21. I made it. I am an adult. I finally get the 21 and older license. I have arrived, LOOK OUT WORLD(:

I am going to Pirates tonight. It is gonna be pretty boss. Johnny Depp....Ohhhhhh my stars for the love of Liza, he is my woman.

Doooooooood life is really good right now...I know I mentioned the whole 'my heart hurts' thing. But honestly that hasn't made me any less happy to be living my life(: I adore everything about being me. I am not trying to sound like cocky. I am just saying, I love my life and wouldn't trade it for anything.  I hate when people look at super small problems and let them claim their lives. God claims my life and He wants me to spend it bringing glory to Him. How can I glorify Him when I have a frown on my face!? He gives me way to much to live for to ever let one of the stupid 'problems' the world throws at me affect me in any way. So world hit me with whatever you want but the smile on my face and my happy outlook on life is here to stay. It comes from God so take it up with Him if you have a problem with it(:

Guys I love you. Remember who you belong to and don't do anything I wouldn't do(:

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