Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sometimes I just break out dancing to the song in my head(:

Be a hand that reaches out. Be a smile for those who have no reason to smile. Be a light for those who live in darkness. Show them what it means to truly love, like Christ did for us(:

Today, many moons ago, Jesus rose from the dead after suffering an excruciatingly torturous death. I cannot imagine that kind of love. I deserve death. I deserve to have been up on that cross paying the price for my sin. He showed us the true meaning of love that day. A type of love unachievable by man. Guys it was not nails that held Him to the cross, it was a deep rooted unrivaled love for His dreadful people, aka you and me.

I had such a good time today, remembering all that Christ did and is doing for me. At church we did a silent drama, we acted out the song Above All by Michael W Smith. It was really good, gave me chills whiles performing it. Such a powerful thing, the love of Christ.

I need to share it more, His love, His story. I get so caught up in my life, and my story that God is just an after thought sometimes. But the truth is, He is my life and He has already got my story written. So encouraging, but hard to remember all the time.

I am blessed. Beautiful, supporting family. Amazing friends who are like my second family. And a Lord and Savior that loves me in spite of my humanity, in spite of the fact that I could not be less deserving of any of it. I life my life, I wouldn't trade with anyone in the world. It is far from perfect,  but I don't want perfect. God makes my life beautiful and He shows me the good parts. There are a lot of bad parts, and they far outweigh the good parts...But they don't get my attention. I focus on the good things. My glass is always half full and its never empty. People can try all they want to change me and bring me down but they'll fail. God is my rock, my fortress. You cannot get to me without going through Him and good luck getting through Him(:

Well world, I am gonna go watch some National Treasure with mi padre and mi madre(: Tootles you party animals.

I love you(:

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