Monday, October 11, 2010

One scarred hand to the other!!

Today was ever so lovely. I woke up wanted to make some spaghetti with Betty White. I wish she was grandma. That'd be epic. Yoga was intense this morning. Stupid Inver heat control guys had the heat on in the activities building so the gym was effing hot. So basically I did hot yoga this morning, WAAAAY more work than normal yoga. My body is still shaky! Good times though. Acting was amazing as well. Erin, Gretchen, and I are gonna rock our monologue! I get to play Cinderella :))))) I have two scripts to memorize in the next couple weeks. Good thing I rock at memorization lol

This weather is intense dude. It is like summer. I am not complaining but I would like fall back. I like my sweatshirt weather. I wore my ugh boots and my new Calvin Klein sweater today, even tho it was 80 degrees. Its October, I will not wear shorts and a tank top. Now is the time when I do not have to worry if my legs are hairy or if I got me a nice golden tan. But this weather is playing with my emotions. It is making me feel white and hairy. When usually I am rather content with 'fall Tara'. Its okay though, can't bring me down. I am just gonna soak up the nice sunshine, leg hair and pale skin and all :)))

My paper is coming along. I actually made it longer. It is now 13 pages :))) I just have so much to say! Guys I have already been in school for two months. So legit. I cannot believe how fast time is going by. It is crazy. I love it though, each second of each day is sensational.

I am gonna start going to generation revival with Gretchen on Friday nights. I am so stoked. So ready for God to do some amazingness in me and through me. I start work today. In an hour, YAY. I am wearing a super cute polo and khakis. BABE-alicious. I though that you know after I left Ocs I would not have to ever wear polos or khakis again, so guess who got rid of all of her polos in attempt to stick it to Ocs?? Yep this guy. Emily was gracious enough to donate three of them to the polos for Tara fund. Any other donations are welcomed :)) I gotta get more khakis to. I have one pair. I could just always wear the same pants. I could be THAT girl. I'd rather not. :)))

So you know when people butt/pocket dial you??? Like 8 times a day?? (cough Levi) lol It is so much fun. His pocket and I have become best butties ;) See now every time he calls I assume its his pocket so I REJECT the call. That's right. Rejection. Hahahaha I am a really mean person. I am gonna start calling him and just laying the phone down at random places or handing it to random (unprecarious of course) people :)

I need to start traveling the world y'all. Yes the US is grand, love it. But see I wanna SEE things. I have a passport that has yet to be stamped. I intend to change that after graduation. Maybe I will win the lottery and I can just take 2 years of my life and SEE everything!!!!!!! That sounds so amazing, it makes my face burst with smiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I gotta skedaddle y'all. I am a working girl now. Not in a scandalous way of course. ;)

Peace out girl scout.


  1. I wish she was my grandma is what I clearly meant. :)

  2. I liked most of this... I think you should have me check your blog before you post it... make sure it's not hating or inappropriate ;)

  3. Can I please join you on your tour of the world?! :D

  4. Yes Erin you may. And Levi no I will not have you do that :))))
