Tuesday, October 12, 2010

There goes the neighborhood...

God gave me an amazing day today. The weather was insanely lovely and school was smashing. I am truly gonna miss my English class. I mean it will be glorious to know longer have ta whip out a mondo paper but I will miss seeing the people T/Th and my prof. He is legit. Now that I no longer have to fret about that paper I have three other papers to DWELL on and two exams. College is mean. Its like a giant cotton headed ninny muggin.

I had an interesting evening. I am not one for drama. Or crying. Okay fine I cry all the time, but its not something I enjoy LOL My evening consisted of both. But I am a strong girl. I don't stay down for long. I have an amazing life because of an amazing GOD, honestly I need nothing else to make me content. God is my source of joy, actually He is my source of everything. I don't do well when I try to do things myself, and He knows that. I enjoy when He slaps sense into me, it makes everything a whole heck of a lot clearer and making decisions is suddenly so easy peasy. I love my life!

So I shopped for some work cloth-age after MN History today. No such luck. See, who wears khakis and polos anymore? I feel like a suppa-prep lol Not fun. I wish Luke would let me wear fun stuff. Like jeans and nice shirts. I look home schooled when I could be looking suppa fly!

I got a green coat today. It is plaid and awesome. I don't typically like green but it was 8 bucks and cute, so I am not complaining. I kinda, sorta adore shopping. When I am a celebrity I'll prolly do it er'day. Ahhhhhhhhh so stoked. Look out Rodeo Drive, hurricane Tara is coming.

I have really awesome people in my life. Honestly God blessed me a hundred fold with all the amazing people He has in my life. Each day they encourage me and love me unconditionally. I'm a social butterfly, but I need my posse. I need my core group. And I have the best one out there. Thank you Jesus :))) I also happen to have the most amazing family. My mommy and daddy are too legit to quit. My 3 babe-a-licious sisters are my BEST friends and each of them make me smile, they are my rays of sunshine on a cloudy day. And my Emily, sister from another mister. That girl came into my life just last year and already she's family forever, I love her. I am a lover, once I meet you and I like you, you become family :)))

I pride myself on being honest. On being trustworthy. On being a good listener and someone people want to come and talk to and get sound advice. Those are things I view as strong areas in my life. I like being a good friend. I like being a good daughter and making my mommy and daddy proud. I like being a good student, making good grades. I like being around people, no I LOVE IT. I like setting goals and meeting them. I like planning. I adore serving my heavenly father and bringing glory and honor to Him and His kingdom. I love making good choices, doesn't mean I always do, but I sure try. I like telling people stories. I like the fact that my dreams could/should be made into movies. I like movies. I love talking. I like when people let me talk. I don't mind being called weird, cuz people let's face it I AM. But that is who I am, which something that will never change :)))

I really like writing. I know it is 1 in the morning and I should be chasing fireflies in dream-land but alas I am wide awake. So my dear lilies, I part with this.. Don't put Twinkies on your pizza :)))

Stay classy.

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