Saturday, October 9, 2010

Outta my, outta my HEAD.

Well folks, top notch weekend. Such a lovely time with my beautiful family! Hilton hotel is fancy, Paris' grandpa knew what he was doing. She, however, is another story for different day. We got to the spiff-pants hotel and then up to our room on the 10th floor (long fall), nestled in and then off to get some grubbage. Zelo's is wonderful, tastes like candy-canes on Christmas. I got the Margarita flat-bread, it was pretty legit. After din din we walked around BEA-utiful Minneapolis, taking in the lovely city and enjoying the fabulous fall (although it was a tidge warmer than average MN fall weather) weather. We mozied on back to our room and played an EPIC game, it is something hard to explain so we'll have to just play sometime. People should know better than to play games late at night with me, needless to say things were said that are not blog appropriate. LOL I volunteered to sleep on the floor, silly Tarda. I had to use Alex's blanket and it smelled like feet :)) Ha. I got to sleep with the silly pillows tho ;))) Ah I love my life. This weekend was seriously so legit. Today we shopped till we dropped, I got to see the best frennn. Met her at the ole Barnes and Noble. Oooooooohhhhhh guess who got a new Audrey Hepburn piece of art for her room?????? THIS GUY :D Its lovely, I just have to find room for it.

You know what I have been thinking a lot about lately?? God. I've been struggling with following HIS will and not just living my OWN will. How lame am I?? Its so easy to follow me. I don't understand why I can't just give it HIM and be like God thank you so much for taking this burden from  me. Like here's the deal, I talk with Him and I say I am giving up my stubborn desire to write my own story but in reality those are just words cuz I keep having to tell Him the same thing. Good thing he has an abundance of patience. Its the easy things that are the hardest to actually follow through with. Sounds silly but its true. I love HIM. I trust HIM. I want to follow His will, and stop writing my own cause it is EXHAUSTING. I like to think that He is planning some amazing things for me, I am just so excited to see what he has for me. I have so much I wanna do, I am just having a hard time differentiating between what is HIS and whats MINE. You know? Like what is His doing and what is me driven. Although maybe some things need to be me driven? God lives inside me, so each decision I make has HIM in it. So maybe my problem is I need to just calm the frick down and let Him continue to do His thing. Seriously people ever since I got back from World Changers, God and I have been so in sync. Like before I think I was kinda spiritually asleep, I mean I was definitely living for Him, but not LOUD enough. Well people, I AM LOUD now. God woke me up and now no one can shut me up!! Suck it Satan.

Ughhhhhh someone please do my homework. I will give you a really big hug. Maybe even a high five. Very nice. Also you can clean my room. Lovely. You rock and I love you.

Stay classy San Diego.

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