Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I was born with an enormous need for affection, and a terrible need to give it♥

Absolutely everything is making me laugh tonight :) My daddy just said that he was nicknamed Jockstrap in college....BAHAHAHAHAHA gotta love football players. Also he was drinking grape juice and mom was like 'Thomas get that off the floor, if it spills so help me..' And I was like yeah dad if it spills I am gonna shake you till you pee. Let me explain. When I was like 8 I spilled grape juice all over the carpet and well daddy was less than pleased and so he was yelling and slightly shaking me (i know right, shaking baby syndrome) and well I got so scared I peed my pants :) I mean I told him I was gonna but he wouldn't let me go potty so I uh just went in my panties. Totally the funniest story. I tell it at parties :) Its how I get the fellas. We were watching this show about being pregnant but not knowing you were pregnant (really dumb) and one of the babies was named Glen Jr. Seriously struck me as hilarious and I still can't contain my laughter.

I have this gal pal, her name is Biz. You can call her Rachel Greene. She is suppa awesome. We laugh a lot. Which I love!!!!! We also have 87 thousand things in common. She is the most important person in our relationship, clearly. I mean I am so insignificant in comparison to her. Bizzle nizzle I love you too death, thanks for loving me even though I may possibly be clinically insane 8 days a week ;) Love you♥

I have really been loving life. God has been epically spectacular :) I have just been relying on him for everything and anything and my dearlings it is the most rewarding thing you could possibly do!!!! On Sunday I taught Sunday school and oh my heavens it was lovely. I talked about how without prayer and constantly being immersed in the Bible one cannot make a proper decision. Which come on people... It is so true!!

I have been thinking a lot lately. About heartaches. About my past. About how hard it was and how I thought daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang I am never gonna make it through! But guess what???? I did. I made it. I am like ten zillion times better than I was. I am standing on my own two feet, proud of who I am. Its all thanks to my Jesus. He just picked me up, dusted me off, and said 'my dear you are gonna be just fine...Suck it up and move on babe, ain't nobody gonna bring you down unless you let them!' He was possible a little less off hand about it.. Our vernacular is a tidge different ;) Your heart just breaks, that's all. But you can't judge, or point fingers. You just have to be lucky enough to find someone who appreciates you. I am ready to be lucky!

You guys, I worked out tonight... I gotta shower. I am muy stinky! Remember: For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with
the knowledge that you are never alone. That is a little snip it I would like to leave with you tonight! Love you all :D

Nightie night

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