Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sometimes I just break out dancing to the song in my head(:

Be a hand that reaches out. Be a smile for those who have no reason to smile. Be a light for those who live in darkness. Show them what it means to truly love, like Christ did for us(:

Today, many moons ago, Jesus rose from the dead after suffering an excruciatingly torturous death. I cannot imagine that kind of love. I deserve death. I deserve to have been up on that cross paying the price for my sin. He showed us the true meaning of love that day. A type of love unachievable by man. Guys it was not nails that held Him to the cross, it was a deep rooted unrivaled love for His dreadful people, aka you and me.

I had such a good time today, remembering all that Christ did and is doing for me. At church we did a silent drama, we acted out the song Above All by Michael W Smith. It was really good, gave me chills whiles performing it. Such a powerful thing, the love of Christ.

I need to share it more, His love, His story. I get so caught up in my life, and my story that God is just an after thought sometimes. But the truth is, He is my life and He has already got my story written. So encouraging, but hard to remember all the time.

I am blessed. Beautiful, supporting family. Amazing friends who are like my second family. And a Lord and Savior that loves me in spite of my humanity, in spite of the fact that I could not be less deserving of any of it. I life my life, I wouldn't trade with anyone in the world. It is far from perfect,  but I don't want perfect. God makes my life beautiful and He shows me the good parts. There are a lot of bad parts, and they far outweigh the good parts...But they don't get my attention. I focus on the good things. My glass is always half full and its never empty. People can try all they want to change me and bring me down but they'll fail. God is my rock, my fortress. You cannot get to me without going through Him and good luck getting through Him(:

Well world, I am gonna go watch some National Treasure with mi padre and mi madre(: Tootles you party animals.

I love you(:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

If you're going to make me cry, at least be there to wipe away the tears.

Crying. Not something I enjoy doing. My eyes get puffy and red. I get that weird throat sniffle thing that makes you sound like you are hyperventilating. Its awful. But at least these tears are over. Tomorrow is a new day filled with possibilities and growth(: I am amazed what clarity a good cry brings.

Honesty has always been my policy. It is kinda a make it or break it thing with me. I deserve the truth and nothing but the truth so help me God. I am pretty much a court of law folks. I have been lied to enough so my lie-dar is pretty spot on. You lie to me and you get a large heaping of my verbal abuse upon you. See if I am willing to tell you the truth than how's bout you put on your big-boy/girl pants and do the same...kapish? Sweet action jackson.

Alrighty than, so basically I graduate college in a month. And well since I know that..I am all slacky migee when it comes to homework and you know actually going to class. It is awful. I remember when I was a goodie two shoes and now I am miss skipalottaclasses shoes. Oh well, I am already super smart so its whatever :P

Well as you know I have decided to get my BA in Business Communications. YAY. But hold the phone I didn't say when. As you all know money does not grow on trees (believe me, I have been searching for a money tree for years) so I have been hypothesizing scenarios in which I take a wee bit of time off from school and work my bum bum off to get a little money cushion so I don't end up with a zillion dollars in school loans that I'll be paying off till I am 150. Who wants that?? Not this guy. I feel like it is the most logical scenario for me. I mean for reals I am only 20 and so why rush my life. All that will do is age me and kill me faster. I want to get a degree, for sure, just not tomorrow. I have to do what God is telling me and last week He brought this scenario to my attention and so now I am just praying about it and WHOLEHEARTEDLY seeking God and His will. The nice thing about running my life this way is that, well all I have to do is pray and listen to Him and dude I am set for life(: It truly is the most beautiful part of life with Christ.

I cannot wait to be an actress you guys. SERIOUSLY. It'll be so neat. Imagine the possibilities. Thinking about it gives me goosebumps and it makes my face smile and my head swim. Lovely(:

You know what word I hate!? If. And maybe. They are so ominous and depressing. I like to use words of permanence. Like absolutely and definitely. And instead of 'if' I use 'when'. My motto is don't use words that don't mean anything substantial. Ya dig!? Word homebro.

Vampire Diaries was on tonight. Damon is an unhealthy obsession of mine. I think I more so love the character Ian Somerhalder is playing rather than Ian himself. Whatever he's a foxxy treat. Honestly its like his eyes pierce into my soul. So pretty and icy blue(: I very much dig his chili.

So I am getting my hair did tomorrow, pound it. Boom. So excited. Right now I am slightly rocking a mullet. Not even though cuz the shag growing atop my head  is not even cool enough to be labelled a mullet. Its outta this world that's for sure(: But yes new hair tomorrow, blondy-blond and finally some bangs. Hizahhhhh(:

Dudes its been smashing but I literally need to go shut my eyes for a good 7ish hours. But I love you and God loves you(:
Goodnight moon

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Yo listen up here's a story about a little guy who lives in a blue world(:

Heyyyyyyyy there(: So its been a while. My bad. I have been so busy you can't even shake a stick at me. Visiting schools, GOING to school, being awesome..Its all so exhausting(: But someone's gotta do it. You know what's weird?? That exhausting has an 'h' in it. Odd word.

Ps guess who graduates in a month...THIS GUY. Nbd. I know I am straight g yo. So I dunno if you have noticed but its like wicked nice out. The sun is shining, the tank is clean...THE TANK IS CLEAN(: Dude and the snow is almost completely, miraculously gone and that makes me feel gitty. SPRING is here, WHOOP.

So I talked to my almost married sister and bro-bro in law tonight, I like them. My preggers sis had a baby shower yesterday and it was AWESOME. There was fruit pizza and diapers, like any good party(:  I think I am going crazy. All my days go by so fast, like I swear yesterday was Sunday. But its like my days are so cramped packed with BUSINESS that I don't even remember whether its Monday or Thursday. Not good. Also I decided to be an angelic daughter and go to a spinning class with mi madre on Tuesday morning. AT 5 FRICKEN O'CLOCK. I imagine getting up that early and exercising is a lot like what hell is gonna be like. It made me wish I was dead. Also I kept falling off the bike because it was like not suiting my proportions and I tried adjusting the bike but to no avail. Oh and get this, everyone was at least 40 and older. OH MY, party animals(: Needless to say no more early morning spinning classes for me.

I really cannot wait to see where God leads me after this summer. I could be in California at this time next year, oh my stars that would be boss. I would also be content staying here. Its whatever God has in store for me not what I WANT in store for me. I've found that when you lean on Him things work out better and actually you know FAVOR you(: He is a pretty, super neat guy. You should get to know Him(:

So dude that stuff in Japan is intense. Poor Japoninians. Praying for them and all the other areas affected.

Oh just in case you didn't already know, Vampire Diaries is on tomo. NBD.

Ugh choir tomorrow. Ugh. Singing in different languages. Ugh.

Well people faces its late and I gotta catch some z's. Its been real. Keep it fresh homebro's. I love you, but God loves you more!

Stay classy girl scout(: